2-päevane hobumatk kahele, ujuva saunaga
A 2-day horse ride for 2 pax with an overnight stay on the shore of the lake and a floating sauna
Teenuse kirjeldus/Service Description
🇪🇪 EST: Vilunud ratsanikele kahepäevane romantiline seiklus Viimse Reliikvia radadel koos täistoitlustuse ja ööbimisega veepiirile puude külge püstitatud ripptelkides Ahja jõe ääres/Saesaare paisjärve kaldal Taevaskoja piirkonnas. Tore laagriplats lõkkega, toitlustamine ning mõnus saunatamine erilises ujuvas parvsaunas https://live.touringery.ee/3d67996/parvsaun/ . Hobused jäävad laagriplatsi äärde öökoplisse, soovi korral on hinna sees ka õhtune kanuumatk Taevaskoja piirkonnas. Matkapakett on kahele inimesele, kuid kokkuleppel saab kaasata ka suurema grupi. Kõik hinnas seikluslik ja maaliline kogemus, mida on hea talletada meie uue GoPro12Black seikluskaameraga abil valmiva lühifilmina! 🇬🇧 ENG: For experienced riders, a two-day romantic adventure with an overnight stay in hanging tents set up on trees on the water's edge by the Ahja river/on the shore of the Saesaare lake in the Taevaskoja Nature Reserve area. There is stunning camp site with a fire, tasty catering and a nice relaxing in a special floating sauna https://live.touringery.ee/3d67996/parvsaun/ . If desired, an evening canoe trip in the Taevaskoja area is also included in the price. The horses stay in a paddock next to the campsite. The horseback tour package is for two people, but a larger group can also be included by special agreement. An all-in-one adventurous and scenic experience that is good to capture as a short film with our new GoPro12Black adventure camera!